Block Explorer
Block explorer is a tool used to view and navigate through the contents of a blockchain. Block explorer provides valuable insights into the transactions, addresses, and overall state of the blockchain network.
Use Spydra's block explorer feature to:
View Transactions: Explore and search for specific transactions by its hash. You can examine transaction details and owner details.
View Blocks: Explore and search for specific block by a block's number. You can examine number of transaction in the block and other details.
Monitor Network Stats: Keep track of network statistics, including the total number of transactions, the block height, and the overall health and performance of the blockchain network.
To explore block explorer-
Open any active network details.
Click 'Block Explorer' option on the left menu
You will see a tabular data with following column information
Transaction ID
Block number- if a block has 10 transactions, 10 rows with the same block number will be displayed.
Transaction type-
CONFIG Transaction: Represents a transaction used to make changes to the network's protocol or rules. These can include various settings like block size, transaction fees, consensus rules, or other network-specific configurations.
CONFIG_UPDATE Transaction: Represents a transaction which is typically initiated by a network participant, such as validator or administrator, who wish to propose modifications to the network's configuration settings.
ENDORSER_TRANSACTION: Represents a transaction that has been endorsed by the required endorsers, indicating that the transaction has gone through the endorsement process and is ready for further processing, validation, and inclusion in a block
Organisation- which added the transaction
Application name
Age of the block
Search for a transaction using a transaction ID or search for a block using block number
Click 'Details' to view detailed JSON of each transaction
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