Adding a Card & Autopay

Adding a card to your account is an essential step in availing certain features and benefits of Spydra and setting up auto-pay for billing, which ensures seamless and uninterrupted services without manual intervention.

Additionally, having a card on file also enables you to access higher configurations and resources that may not be available otherwise.

  • Creating Medium and Large Network Configurations

  • Creating Dedicated Networks

  • Adding Nodes

Adding a Payment Method

Payment methods are defined at Organization as Billing is handled at the Organization level, so

  • Navigate to the Organization where you want to add a Card

  • In the Billing section, select Billing details

  • You can add a card in the Payment Methods section

  • Add the card to the next screen and submit

  • The card will be successfully to the Organization

Primary Payment Method

  • If there is only one card added to an Organization, that card will be set as the Primary Payment method.

  • You can add more payment methods or cards, and update the primary payment method to the new card.


  • Once a Primary card is added to your Organization, auto-pay will be enabled to your account automatically.

  • Your Organization will be billed at on 1st of every month.

Last updated