
Nodes are the individual servers that make up the network. Each node runs an instance of the App you are running, which allows it to participate in the network and perform various tasks, such as validating transactions and maintaining the shared ledger. Adding a node helps improve the network's scalability by increasing transaction processing capacity and enhances fault tolerance by providing redundancy and resilience to the network.

Also, a Node is a logical function in the sense that multiple nodes of different types can run on the same physical server. With Spydra, you can run Peer nodes and Orderer nodes to participate in the network.

Peers are the fundamental elements of a Hyperledger fabric network since they host ledgers and Smart contracts/Chaincodes.

Orderer (also known as an “ordering node”) is responsible for transaction ordering, which along with other orderer nodes forms an ordering service. In addition to their ordering role, orderers also maintain the list of organizations that are allowed to create channels and enforce basic access control for channels.

To learn more about Node types, please read Nodes: Peer, Orderer & CA

Create Node

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