Create an Organization

Creating an Organization is a key step in the Spydra Platform as Organization acts as a core component. Spydra offers $400 free credits for the first 2 organizations you create to help you explore the platform.

  1. Navigate to the Organization section in the Spydra platform from the top nav bar; you can view the list of Organizations if you have already created one or joined other organizations.

  2. Click on Create Organization

  • Enter Organization Name

  • Add the Billing country

  • Click on Create Organization

  • Congratulations! Your Organization has been created.

You can now see the Created Organization under the Organization's list.

Next steps

  • Once an organization is created, you can invite your team as organization members and create a network to deploy your app onto that network. You can also invite other organizations to join you on the network.

Invite members to an organisationCreate a Network

Last updated