Update Key Vault

Users can upgrade their key vault from Spydra's default Hashicorp Vault to managed services like Azure Key Vault or AWS Key Manager for securely storing node credentials, certificates, and keys.

However, user's will not be able to switch back to Spydra's default Hashicorp vault once your key vault is updated.

To connect your managed vault service, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Organisations tab on the network details page.

  2. Click on an organisation to view its network-org details.

  3. Select the Update vault option.

  4. Choose to connect to either your managed Azure Key Vault or AWS Key Manager.

  5. Click on "Update key Vault' option.

To connect Azure Key Vault:

  • Choose Azure Key Vault as your 'External Vault Source'.

When selecting the source, if you've previously connected an Azure Key Vault, it will appear as an option. Otherwise, you'll need to connect a new Azure Key Vault

To proceed and connect your Azure Key Vault, ensure the vault details are correct:

  1. Vault Name: Use a descriptive name for easy identification. Example- Blockchain Azure keys.

  2. Application ID

  3. Tenant ID

  4. Application Secret

  5. Key Vault URL

Find details in your Azure Key Vault account by referring to Azure's documentation.

To connect AWS Key Manager:

  • Choose AWS Key Manager as your 'External Vault Source'.

When selecting the source, if you've previously connected an AWS Key Manager, it will appear as an option. Otherwise, you'll need to connect a new AWS Key Manager

To proceed and connect your AWS Key Manager, ensure the vault details are correct:

  1. Vault Name: Use a descriptive name for easy identification. Example- Blockchain Azure keys.

  2. Vault Name: Use a descriptive name for easy identification. Example- Blockchain Azure keys.

  3. AWS Access Key

  4. AWS secret key

  5. Region

Find details in your AWS Key Manager account by referring to AWS Key Manager's documentation.

Last updated