Inviting an organisation to a Network

You can invite an organisation onto a network, but to do that, you need to create a network or be an Admin. The below article will guide you in creating a network.

pageCreate a Network

Inviting an organization to join the network

  • Once a network is created, navigate to the network page from the Network listing page <link>.

  • You can click on Invite Members from the Network page's membership section.

  • Enter the email address of the organization's primary contact to be invited, and specify the network access by selecting the role.

  • Once you click Invite, the organization's primary contact will receive the invite in their email.

Invited organizations

  • Network Administrators can also view the list of invitations sent out by toggling the Invitation Sent/Received under the Manage Invitations section.

  • The list of pending invites is displayed, and network admins can choose to Resend the invite or Cancel the Invite.

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