Chaincode as external service

Steps to write a chaincode compatible for running as an external service


  • Import the shim package and create the ChaincodeServer struct from the shim package.

  • The ChaincodeServer struct takes the following values:

    • CC: It takes contractapi.ContractInterface which was created using contractapi.NewChaincode() function.

    • CCID: It takes the chaincode package id. This can be accessed from the CORE_CHAINCODE_ID environment variable.

    • Address: Chaincode server address to expose the chaincode. This can be accessed from the CORE_CHAINCODE_ADDRESS environment variable.

    • TLSProps: It accepts the struct value of shim.TLSProperties

  • Then call the start function from the created ChaincodeServer struct value (server.Start())



  1. If chaincode is written using contract api:

In package.json, modify the value of scripts.start section to ”fabric-chaincode-node server”


  1. If chaincode is written using fabric-shim:

  • In the file where the chaincode is initialised / started, create the shim.server by passing ccid and address which are taken from the runtime environment variables CORE_CHAINCODE_ID and CHAINCODE_SERVER_ADDRESS

  • Then call the start function from the created shim.server object (server.start())


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